Not Washing for 7 Days – The Accidental Challenge

Believe me when I say this was supposed to be a post on yoga...

Well readers this happened…

Well, let me say I would have been perfectly happy never to have added ‘rode in an ambulance’ to my bucket list. Yes, after the actual embarrassment of actually distorting my ankle and foot in ways that really shouldn’t be possible, I had to be picked up off the floor, put into a wheelchair and carted off into an ambulance. But imagine this happening in Italy… where you have the language level of incoherent 2-year-old.

After being told I had most probably broken my ankle and been given VIP treatment, I was put in oxide open plaster and then bandaged up further. However, apparently, it’s not broken but was left not 100% sure or convinced.

Let me explain at this point…the pain is excruciating and I cannot physically place my foot on the floor. I have to use crutches to move to the bathroom and every hop makes my eyes water. By the time I maneuvered myself to sit on the toilet, I sob to myself quietly not to disturb my housemate who is trying her best in the circumstance to keep me fed and watered.

My friends have lovingly visited pretty much every day, I think it’s the most action our apartment has seen since moving in. However, there has been one major issue. I am unable to shower. Completely rendered to my mattress 24 hours a day with my leg raised and 3000g of Tachipirina flowing daily, I cannot see past using deodorant wipes for the near future.

The first couple of days went by and I really didn’t care. I mean seriously. I’m in so much pain right now I think I understand why, when women go into labour, they don’t give a cahoots to who sees what and who touches where!

By day five my hair was a greasy, sweaty mess and I started to become more aware of how badly I was smelling, me, my pj's and my bed. Scarily honest, I gave up wearing underwear, removing it took time and time was pain. And although I have a strong threshold, I dislike pain immensely. 

The days were going by with the help of my friends visits and food preparation in the evening and Netflix. There wasn't a book by my side and there was no way I could do anything without the help of my friends. This is no exaggeration, I was bed bound.

I kept bottles of water and juice next to my bed and biscuits and deodorant wipes that did absolutely nothing to mask the sweat.

But as guests keep arriving and a trip to Pronto Soccorso (A&E) was in order I started to become paranoid. 

The day arrived that I needed to return to Pronto Soccorso because the pain was getting worse and my toes weren't looking too healthy. I still hadn't showered or washed my hair. It took me an hour to get from my apartment door through the courtyard to the street where my friends car stood. Every movement hurt. And my right leg has it's own damage to, an ongoing knee injury that has elongated my hip causing pain. 

I cried and shouted and became angry at my poor friend. Fede, I'm sorry. Without you I have no idea what would have happened during this period.

Fede said I was paranoid but I could see the people moving away from me and my stench. It was day 6 of not being clean and stale sweat clung to the little hairs under my arms that I hadn't been able to shave. We spent the whole day there and I argued with the Doctor who didn't seem concerned that my foot, ankle and calf was almost one size (I actually have very thin ankles normally).

The first picture (above) shows the day of the freak accident and the second after the bandage and open oxide cast was removed. It was a lot worse and much more painful.

The Doctor took my blood and told me to take a dissoluble Tachidol. They also scanned my veins to make sure the blood was pumping correctly around the leg and the damaged area.

I was also asked to buy an ankle support, to walk on it (which I was told later was absolute horrendous advice) and see my doctor who can then refer me for a scan of my ligaments.

On arriving home over eight hours after we ventured out, we stopped to pick up some takeaway (eating takeaway is becoming a bad habit) and headed back to the comfort of my bed.

It was a few days later when I couldn't stand being filthy any longer, Fede had come to visit me and help me with something and I came up with the idea of wearing my bikini and robe, sitting next to the sink, Fede wash my hair and at least having a body wash.

And so with Fede's help, it happened! I used my freshly bleached bidet to clean and soak both poor feet and it felt amazing. 

Although being unclean wasn't a pleasant experience, nor one that I would recommend, leaving my hair unwashed a lot longer than normal meant that upon washing, my hair was cleaner and healthier looking.


It has been just over six weeks since my accident and I am still facing pain and discomfort, also my ankle (I have now nicknamed caviglia, the Italian word for ankle) is still swollen and the crutches are a necessity for long walks. I also only got a correct diagnosis that my ligaments have tears in them.I now require 10 days intense physiotherapy and rehabilitation over the course of three weeks.

Being dependent on others and having to stay in bed alone (90% of the time) has been the biggest challenge anyone can face.

In this time I have faced more challenges and ups and downs, inspiring and creative periods. But, the worst thing I have faced is pure loneliness and isolation. I have binged on Netflix and books to take my brain from sad thoughts and to a fantasy land. On a more positive note, I finally decided to put my writing out there to the public.

Finally, I don't want to bore you and draw attention away from the true meaning behind the blog, so this will be the only blog drawing attention to what happened in March/April. Being housebound has also added and ruined some of the things I had planned to do, but this has definitely made my year more memorable.

There are many people out there that are battling loneliness every day, if you would like to volunteer, help or donate please refer to


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