Blog Spot

Are you making the most out of my blog?

Writing for me is cathartic and I'm constantly inspired by many other sources and mediums. Also before I take any challenge or write about something I research, which is quintessential for making sure I provide you with zero fake facts.  I hope that for some of my willing readers, these sources inspire you and provide you with much needed further information.

Where can you find the source material?

The source material will be attached to a word through a link. For example, I recently watched a Ted Talk that has changed the way I tie my shoelaces by Terry Moore, 'How to tie your shoes'.

If you click on 'How to tie your shoes' above, you will be directed to the video. 😊

What else can I find?

Sometimes I will include links to other blogs that might cover more in-depth insights to a topic that I am touching on. Also you might find music video's, articles and anything that is supported or covered in my blog.

Where do you get your photo's?

The photo's are picture's that I've taken or my friends. If I take a photo from another source I will be sure to include that information.

Can I follow or subscribe?

Yes on the home page of my blog you can subscribe and follow. You can also search for past entries. I would love my readers to follow and subscribe and also share comments and ideas on my blog.

How can I take part?

The best thing about my blog is that you try the challenge anytime and comment below the post to tell us your experience or email me direct ''

I want you to share ideas and experiences. From Sunday 29th April, I will be blogging in real time, which means before I start my challenge I will be sharing the information ahead of time and I will be posting as live as possible to update you there and then.

I want to start blogging, help?

Blogging is easy, there are plenty of free domains out there such at blogspot and wordpress. I am using blogspot as I find it really easy to use.

My tips on blogging consist of being completely honest, there is no point being fake or pretending to have done something if you haven't. Secondly, choose a topic. What you choose to write about is extremely important as this should be the running theme throughout the blog. You also need to know your topic and have in mind your target audience.

I want to make money from my blog!

The answer is don't ask me... I was advised to have the blog for a few months before looking into investment opportunities.

Eager to start blogging, check out this beginners guide 'Blogging Basics 101' for more information.


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