Searching for Serenity - Headspace

Halfway Point

The main point of this exercise, is to see whether this app can help me sleep and give me better focus. I love my job, but I’m often rushing around like a headless chicken and not quite in the moment, therefore I'm stuck with that feeling like I’m missing out on life.

Image may contain: 1 personTrust me, when you are in the moment you know. You can smell the flowers, see the detail and feel this amazing rush of happiness overcome you. Your mind is empty and wondrous. This happens to me mainly when I am travelling or visiting a new place. I get excited and it brings out the best in me.

I understand many people are sceptical and think meditation is some hippy sat crossed leg on the floor chanting, but it really isn’t and there are so many forms of meditation that people undertake.

No automatic alt text available.Think about it, how do you meditate? What makes you feel most alive? What clears that foggy feeling in your brain?

I have a friend who writes down all her thoughts before she sleeps and it gives her an amazing sense of calm, releasing all her bad feelings and thoughts. There are people who go for long walks in nature and those that sit beside a river and breath. Personally, I like to hear the sound of the waves. Meditation is about catching your breath in this extremely fast paced world.

Now back to Headspace.

I have a couple of problems;

  1.  ‘Andy’ hasn’t quite got the soothing voice I need (I will discuss 'the soothing voice' in my next post).
  2. The free trial session is only 10 full Basic sessions so I’ve cut this challenge down to 10 days rather than the full month (to be honest how I’m feeling about ‘Andy’ 10 days might be long enough).
  3. Every so often you might be offered something else to try from one of their paid packs. When I receive a trial I grab at the chance and find myself majorly disappointed. It’s all so repetitive and counting my breath isn’t very relaxing, it makes my brain focused on counting (not the serene state I might be in if he could stop talking for longer than a minute).
Interestingly, I do feel calmer, well I would say more subdued. For those who have troublesome thoughts, Headspace might be perfect for you. My head feels lighter (actually empty, I'm writing this blog straight after a Headspace session and my creativity seems to have vaporized).

Am I more 'in the moment'? Sadly I feel less in the moment. I feel a bit spaced out and floaty.

And the most important question...

Have I slept better? Andy's voice actually on repeat helps me start the drifting process but because he is quite fond of talking and there is no soothing music, every time he starts to speak after a pause it jolts me back into consciousness.

If you would like to read more on whether the Headspace app is for you, please check out this article by Valentina Palladino.


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