The Calorie Deficit (The 10 Euro Challenge)

Day 4

Today I slept in until late and decided to eat my meals later. I’m averaging, 1200 calories (and less) a day the amount of calories to keep a stationary body ticking over. Although it is probably what overweight me needs to eat but the food is low quality and not satisfying.

I ate my breakfast a small amount of plain yogurt with my lunch and had the remaining bread with tomatoes and two eggs as I craved much needed protein. I usually have a varied diet and this is becoming difficult to stomach.

I drank one cup of tea which I have to admit, I am enjoying the taste of. Usually, I'm a food snob and I often find my self spending a fare bit on a flavoursome Earl Grey. 

Then it was time to make the second batch of bread. This time I tried a different recipe but this one seems not quite right so I add more water but I think I didn’t knead enough. My energy levels depleted.

Dinner was gnocchi and with pesto and cheese. Luckily this pesto makes everything bearable to eat! My cheeky housemate prefers what I am eating to her none carb diet, I'm left drooling over her salmon and lettuce salad. Supper was a cup of tea. Whilst my housemate tucked on biscuits and I watched (she did offer but I am very strict on this subject).

Today I feel drained, they say not eating well affects your mood, well I sincerely agree. I know my mood is happier when I eat a good piece of fish!

I can even see it in my writing... it's lacking passion.

Total amount of produce used: 1 Euro 38 cents


  1. It sounds so difficult Becky, makes me really feel for the people who are left with so little money and are eating low quality food.


  2. Hi Anneli, it really makes you think. Day 5 has been the hardest so far. Imagine burning your food or having a cooking disaster but you still have to eat it!


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