The last slog 'Dry Jan' and beyond

Week 4 and beyond: How challenging is it to give up alcohol?

I am proud to announce…

I abstained from alcohol for a total of 33 days! Yes 2 extra days after the initial time frame. I could have easily gone on longer, having chosen to take part in more adventurous activities like visiting the Caravaggio exhibition at Palazzo Reale and taking a day trip out of the city to Vigevano. Sure both of these outings included going for lunch or dinner (I am in Italy!), but they weren't the main event. This made abstaining from alcohol easier and to be honest I preferred seeing/experiencing new things rather than eating and drinking with my friends.

And when day 34 arrived, my plan for one alcoholic drink with my aperitivo was initially going to plan. Until, we arrived at a bar with live music and I introduced my fellow Anglo-Saxon's to the red devilish liquid that is Negroni! I was out with my friend and someone new, one of those social situations where normally I would drink a little extra.

Long Island (left)
After my first drink, a delicate cocktail (a fruity French named thing with an inedible object strategically placed in the middle) I felt my judgement slowly being rendered powerless and the carefree, spirited me revealing itself. 

On arriving at our chosen restaurant, I ordered more than I wished to eat for our Indian Supper and although I chose water over wine (like that?), as soon as we moved to the bar my positive intentions crumbled and I quickly ingested three of the strongest cocktails known to man.

I need to pause for a moment to explain two things about cocktails/alcoholic serving in Italy:

  1. A Negroni is comprised of three ingredients; Campari, Gin and Red Vermouth. Therefore, technically pure unspoiled alcohol with no relent. Pretty much, free food is given to Negroni drinkers to lessen the effects.
  2. Spirits/shots/digestifs/liquors are poured not measured and, on the occasions, I chose a Long Island Iced Tea over a Negroni, the coke did nothing but turn the drink into a dirty coloured liquid, reminding me of the dreaded days when the syrup would run out whilst I was working on the concession stands at the cinema.
I have to admit I was happy! I felt unconstrained and totally free around my friends, but all that changed when I was alone. I was so intoxicated that I felt scared to walk home from the metro station. On realisation that I had missed the last bus, I managed to convince a Radio Bus going in the opposite direction to take me partially home and I'm pretty sure that the driver complied because of the state I was in.

On arriving home, the overwhelming dread of the spinning sensation started to occur as I laid down onto my bed and I had to stop myself from vomiting. Luckily, I managed to keep it down and spent the next day in recovery... having sugary drinks and eating everything and anything I fancied.

Then I asked myself was it worth it. The answer I can only project in Italian 'cosi cosi' (similar to so-so). I felt amazing whilst under the influence, but the three day hangover and foggy brain was not so worth it.

Do I suggest giving up alcohol?

Actually, yes. Not giving it up 100% but taking precaution of how much and how often you drink. I love the taste of alcohol and trust me I really cannot imagine giving it up forever but I did feel remarkably different! After the second week it became easy and natural not to order an alcoholic beverage.

Benefits included having a flatter stomach and a less rounded face. I also noticed I had a clearer sharper mind and more energy. In addition, I felt and looked healthier, plus I lost 6lb which was a massive bonus.

So what's next? Although I have plenty of ideas of new things I want to try to make life more memorable I would like to ask you to join in and send me suggestions. You can even take part! All comments and ideas are welcome. 


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