The Last Supper (The 10 Euro Challenge)

The Last Supper

Waking up late this week has been a blessing rather than a curse. It has meant that I can combine breakfast and lunch to make a sort of edible brunch style thing, especially for the last two mornings.

Me, my crutches and my housemate went for a drive to the local Carefour for her shopping. The heat and having only had a cup of tea before this inspired venture made me super hungry.

I had a bit of a celebration and ate the last 4 fish fingers, my last egg and the remaining third of my can of tomatoes as a brunch breakfast. Then to follow the last of my yogurt. Even when I was cooking I thought, maybe I should only eat two fish fingers and save the other two… but then there was my hunger.

I was eating after 2pm, I was famished. Ready to eat a scabby-donkey.

Excited by the egg (whoop protein!), I savoured every bite of the least carb heavy meal I had eaten this week.

My housemates friend came over and we drank more tea. They ate ricotta tarts and I sat there with my 2-cent tea, my inner strength amazing me. OK Rebecca, time for you to go back on your diet with this strong mentality!

One meal left… I look at what I have, 500g of pasta, a drop of milk, some pesto and some grated cheese.

I make way too much pasta and eat it with pesto and cheese. Even after offering pesto and cheese to my housemate’s burger, I still have pesto and cheese left for next week and 300g of pasta!

Total cost of produce used: 1 Euro 29 cents

Challenge over 😌

Tips and advice

If you have a tight budget buy bi-weekly. Having 20 Euros gives you the opportunity to purchase a wider variety of food to last you two weeks.

Plan, plan and more planning. Plan your meals ahead of time and make sure you have planned what you want to buy. I made a list but it was way too expensive, in the UK I would have been under budget.

When you have your shopping make a meal plan for 7 days so you don’t get stuck with the same food habits, that way you won’t be as bored.

Have a back-up, I only bought one pint of milk so I also bought yogurt so that I can have muesli with yogurt if I ran out of milk.

Be creative or go back to your childhood. Maybe it’s a Yorkshire thing but who doesn’t love a fish finger butty or toast, tinned tomatoes and a fried egg?

Good Points

  1. Less waste, eating less food meant less packaging.
  2. I saved 20 - 30 euros on my normal shopping bill.
  3. I lost a total of 6lb by eating carbs.
  4. I learnt to be more creative and organised.
  5. Zero food waste.

Bad Points

  1. Hunger, at first I was really hungry but I got use to it. It never really goes away that feeling.
  2. Repetitive, pesto or tomato were the two flavours for the week.
  3. Carbohydrate heavy, my meals lacked much need nutrients and protein.
  4. Constipation and bloating.

Has it changed my life?

This challenge has really changed my life. 

It has really made me think about how much I spend on food and how much food I waste in general. I've started to really appreciate the most simple of things and learnt how to be super frugal.

One thing actually amazed me, I realised carbs don't actually fill you up as much as I thought. I've learnt to try new brands and utilize everything I have. The most rewarding thing was during my week, I researched how to make the most of my euro's for the future.

Also, although I have done meal planning in the past, I think it's essential on a tight budget. I read a lot of recipe ideas from Jack Monroe, however a lot of the things that she can buy super cheap in the UK does not apply here. Yesterday, I had my friend try to recreate a similar shop but it cost over €20 and not everything was bought.

However, I also have realised that when you have a little more cash, it helps to stock up on cupboard essentials and and toiletries. Especially sale products!

I would love for others to try and attempt this challenge and share their experience with me.

May is #meatlessmay and I would love to have some of my readers give up meat for 1 month! This would be the perfect opportunity for people to try 'The 10 Euro Challenge'.


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