Vegan Beauty or Beasts #meatlessmay

Basic Beauty

I have to admit, I haven't had to buy anything for this part of the challenge so far.

I have been addicted to Lush since it first arrived in Sheffield... I guess 16 years ago...

I also had the added benefit of having friends who worked in Lush and have tried most of the products, so maybe I have an unfair advantage.

My tip is... I stock up at Christmas when my favourite products are usually half price. Oh yes Snow Fairy for the year (and now also Rose Jam among others...I branched out a bit this year!).

So when I was looking at which of my Lush collection was Vegan, I literally had the basics Shampoo, multiple body washes, body conditioner, body buffers, creams and soaps. Plus from my days at summer camp, black toothpaste that also happened to be Vegan.

I also have this huge deal about trying to reduce plastic. I know it sounds stupid but I often battle with the checkout assistants in order to stick the stickers for my loose items of fruit etc onto the products themselves. So I am happy to say that a lot of the Lush Vegan range are solid and this means no plastic packaging! I am very fond of paper, I see it as more environmentally friendly.

I was missing just two necessities, conditioner and deodorant. Especially, deodorant (sometimes it's good to just use coconut oil as conditioner). So I got samples. This is a great thing about Lush. I have super sensitive everything, it is becoming so bad that if I can't test I just don't buy. I was given Vegan conditioner (shinning) unfortunately in pots :( this vegan conditioner is not solid and solid deodorant :)

Solid Deodrant 'Aromantico'

Image result for aromantico lushThe Vegan deodorant is extremely strong smelling, overpowering. It smells more manly than I imagined but boy did it work for the first week...after that it got a bit, how can I describe it? Stale. It stopped working as well on my body but needs must (any advice Lush lovers?). *Now 3 weeks in, I have had an allergic reaction and my armpit is bright red and itchy...

Boom Solid Tooth Tabs

These are great fun and taste similar to cola. It is quite messy to get them to work quite right. The first week my teeth were looking whiter and feeling less 'scummy' is the only way I can describe it. My breath seemed to become less smelly, but again in the second week the effects seem less transparent. In fact I was worrying about my breath when at the physio because I usually use mouth wash.

Dream Cream

Oh how did I not know about this until recently. It is most definitely the best cream on the planet. As it has a hefty price tag here in Italy, I am savouring mine and just using it for my face. People have said I am looking younger...not sure if it is the huge amounts of rest/sleep I have been having or the change of diet etc but I definitely believe in this cream! Again the smell is strong and herbal but it is magic. You only need the tiniest bit and it clears my dry skin to perfection. It works better than any primer!

Vegan Soap

I have been washing with a Vegan lush soap for my face but unfortunately I don't recall the name. I think it is something to do with 'cloud'. In honesty, I think it has been drying my skin out a little. Mainly my hands and under my eyes, we will see what happens further down the line but I do not want to waste the product.

Solid Shampoo 'Jason and the Argan Oil'

Wow. Since I last used a solid and liquid shampoo by lush they have come an amazingly long way. For years I toyed with them but I never found one that helped my greasy scalp, dry skin and disgustingly dry ends. Miraculously, this product was packaged nicely in a Rose Jam gift box I had floating about. It is amazing and so is the smell! Words cannot describe the change in my hair...

👩My hair is less tangled and easiest to brush in years.
👩I don't need to use conditioner every time.
👩My scalp is less dry and so are the ends.
👩My greasy top looks brighter and 'cleaner'
👩I can go longer between washes.

*Plus I read it lasts for up to 80 washes (I wash my hair every second day so that means it should last me 5 months 😍).

Shinning Conditioner

This product I have had the grace of using before. In all fairness it isn't my favourite product and I have to use quite a bit to cover my hair. It doesn't seem to enhance my blonde ends and the smell is more masculine.

Rose Jam Solid Shower Gel

Smelling similar to Turkish delight, this solid shower gel was very strange to me at first. How can it be a shower gel, not a soap!

The answer was... for some reason it is different! The smell is stronger and if you rub it onto the sponge the consistency is more smooth like a liquid. This product is amazing but the scent lasts less than the liquid version, my bathroom smells better than I do. It is a neat little product and great for travelling with. Rose Jam is one of my favourite scents. Three weeks in and I still have a lot of the product left.

Do you have any Vegan products to recommend? I would love to hear from you :)

For more information on Lush products please see their website


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