Carbohydrate Overload (The 10 Euro Challenge)

Day 5

I got excited by thinking it was Friday yesterday, but then it came to a crash when I realised I had 3 more days of this challenge left.

This morning was the smallest portion of cereal ever and a cup of tea.

 I baked the bread and it didn’t rise and now I have rocks for lunch and no bread for the rest of the week because I have to use the other batch for pizza because I ate more than my quota of eggs to quickly. I cook tinned tomatoes and three fish fingers and look carefully to change my meals for the rest of the week

I'm hungry and emotional, I just want to go back to work and be apart of the real world again. It's easy to imagine that I have nothing else but this because I can't go out to buy things at the moment and had been using Esselunga delivery at 8 Euros a pop.

This bread failed, I was relying on using this for three days and four meals. I can't throw it away and have to salvage it and make it work.

Being so focused on this challenge I can feel the pain and desperation of those that would rely on that bread a lot more than myself. I also feel anger at the fact that I have wasted so much produce and money because of branding. 

One thing I have noticed is that the amount of rubbish I throw away has really decreased. This is a real positive.

My friend came over and I offered her a 2c tea, she was actually impressed with the taste.

Dinner was an absolute shambles, I added water and oil to the dough to try and form a pizza base, it was not happening and I ended up with a weird bread substance with tinned tomato and cheese.

My housemate has a taste and tells me it's not so bad.Today has to be the worst day by far. My stomach is bloated and apart from the 'fish fingers', nothing I ate was of quality.

Total cost of produce used: 1 Euro 25 cents

Jack Monroe's article shows us how poverty can impact the lives of families, she also has some fantastic advice and recipes.


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