Hunger Pangs (The 10 Euro Challenge)

Day 3

I went to bed hungry and woke up hungry, but as I was in a rush for the physio, I took one spoon of my plain yogurt and left the house. My stomach was churning the whole time and I felt very sleepy. The yogurt tasted good though so hopefully my only problem is the gnocchi.

Finally, I had a correct diagnosis that my ligaments are torn in my foot and ankle, told I need ten days intensive physio and rehabilitation, then got lumbered with a bill.

As I am not receiving full pay, when I got home and worked out my finances, whilst cramming a second spoon of yogurt and cooking pasta and bread at the same time, it dawned on me actually I am currently poor. Like really poor, because I know that April’s wage will be the same.

I made a cup of tea and then preceded to make pasta bianco (for non-Italians pasta with cheese and oil). This meal is a favourite amongst schools and it actually tasted OK with good oil and cheese. Maybe it looks plain but it tasted better than the gnocchi.

F**K my bread hasn’t risen, so it’s a small amount that will hopefully make four slices, two for tonight and two for tomorrow.

I think my body is getting used to the lack of food but I am surprised how unsatisfied I am after carbs.

I put on Netflix and find after watching one film I am being directed to Living on one Dollar which seemed an appropriate documentary to watch. I sit there and by the end I’m crying.

Tonight, I was very thankful for my homemade bread, a tablespoon full of tomatoes, three fish fingers (I didn’t see or taste fish but they were edible) and an egg. I had another cup of tea and realised today was my cheapest day yet.

But also that I had miscalculated my number of eggs after mixing them up with the eggs already in the fridge. That leaves me with three eggs and eggs are my only source of protein.

Total cost of produce used: 1 Euro 14 cents

To find out more about the Living on a Dollar project, check out


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