Vegan Love #meatlessmay

8 Days and Counting...

Apparently I'm what is called a 'cold turkey strict Vegan', meaning one day I decided to totally exclude all animal products from my life. And so far...I'm enjoying every minute of it!

The first few days were exciting and I put a lot of energy into researching ways to cook lentils and beans etc, but eating these products left me a little unfulfilled and I started craving something more.

The problem I found was that I didn't need the meat or dairy, I just need something with a similar texture. It's like a psychological fulfillment, I need something solid.

I took my tofu and quorn pieces, veganised my favourite recipes and made my housemate the carnivore version. I had her try both and she said there was basically no difference, yet she hates tofu so refuses my request to eat the Vegan version.

OK. I admit I love Tofu and Quorn as I find them very versatile (also similar to meat) and I have had my fair share of beans and lentils in order to try to keep a healthy balanced diet.

But Veganism isn't just about the food (I will address these topics in individual blogs)...


💜Fuller than normal
💜Feel satisfied after eating
❤️Weight loss
💛Tastier food (but the downside is that you have to make it tastier)
❤️Low fat diet and less calories consumed
💚Less plastic (Vegan shampoo/shower gel come in solid form)
💜Stronger hair and nails/better skin
💚Less brain fog
💙Being more aware what is in my products, how do we know that we aren't brushing our teeth with cow's anus?
💜Better sense of smell and taste
❤️Generally feeling healthier


♥️Diminishing social requests (don't invite the vegan to sushi Friday!)
♥️Yes those conversations (I'm sorry to all Vegans for this question. Vegans are not aliens, people!)
♥️Those Vegans that hate (I apologise but I worked on farms with animals in the past and some of the portrayals are far fetched. Be a Vegan, feel good but please don't preach. It's not for everyone.)
♥️Fluctuating weight due to high carb/low protein diet (one minute I lose 10lb then I gain 5lb and then lose 6lb)
♥️Over regulating bowels (toilet after food, toilet in the morning, toilet before bed)
♥️Marinara pizza (sorry but even with grilled vegetables it was not the same 😞)
♥️Finding out so much food/products have animal stuff in them when they don't need to. I found a jam amongst the 'normal' jam without animal products. Makes you think why do I want to eat pig products in my jam, jam is fruit and sugar and stop! The animal thing is not even the reason for my Vegan adventure but being more aware of what is in my food/products has become important.
♥️Extra expenses, a soya cappucino costs more than a regular one.

So far, in my opinion, the pro's of having a Vegan diet out way the con's. I'm sticking to it, even brushing my teeth with carbon products, checking the products like crazy to make sure they are free from animal products. I currently don't feel like I am missing out on anything food wise but I do feel a little bare not wearing my perfume and make-up. I know this stuff is available but with a hefty price tag in Italy, at the moment I can't afford this change, therefore I'm leaving off my makeup and scaring the world ;).

I do wonder if some of my makeup is already can I check? Is there a list anywhere?

Has anyone else given up meat/dairy/everything for May? I would really like to hear from you and understand whether you've had side affects, positive or negative. 


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